Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 12 May 2022 Schools and Colleges Estates Development Conference Thursday, 12th May 2022 0800hrs – 1600hrs Congress Centre, 28 Great Russell Street London WC1B 3LS Book online View Partnership Packages EventProgrammeSpeakersExhibitorsBecome a PartnerThe UK Government is set to invest over £5bn of capital funding over the coming years to ensure that students have the facilities and equipment to succeed – and with increased private sector investment there is set to be over £10bn pumped into new estate projects over the coming years. As a part of the UK Government’s Levelling Up White Paper, schools are set to benefit from a new £4bn funding round. Furthermore, sixteen FE colleges are set to benefit from the most recent phase of the government’s £1.5bn FE Capital Transformation Fund to upgrade and refurbish college estates. This comes in addition to the new School Rebuilding Programme that has provided schools throughout the country with a share of £1.8bn in funding to improve school buildings. In this conference we will hear from the masterminds behind the UK’s latest school and college development plans as they detail their projects and discuss opportunities for further developments. Topics to be discussed: 10-year DfE School Rebuilding Programme£1.5bn FE Capital Transformation Fund£2.3bn Welsh Gov Sustainable Communities for Learning ProgrammeKCAT’s three-school rebuilding programme£80m Fairwater Education Complex Mayor of London’s £110m Skills for Londoners Capital FundLBWF’s Education Capital ProgrammeLuminate’s 210,000 sq ft Mabgate developmentBarking and Dagenham College’s Expansion PlansEducation Partnership North East multi-campus scheme Speakers include: Laura Dubeck,Senior Manager, Programme Delivery (Colleges) Mike Lea,Head of Planning, Capital Directorate Lara Newman,Chief Executive Matt Isherwood,Director of Estates Jennifer Singer,Head of Capital Programme Advisory – Schools and Colleges Stuart Arnfield,Director of Finance and Resources Hannah Jackson,Head of Advisory Kevin Panrucker,Chief Operating & Financial Officer Lindsay Jackson,Head of Education Business Effectiveness Richard Portas,Programme Director for School Organisation and Planning Sara Humber,Programme Director MIM – Sustainable Communities for Learning Crawford Wright,Head of Architecture and Design Yvonne Kelly,Principle and Chief Executive Officer David Warren,Group Vice Principal, Development Helen Taylor,Director of Practice David Howells,Chief Operating Officer Peter Hazzard,Schools and Colleges Sector Lead 08:00-09:00 Breakfast & Networking 09:00-09:30 Conference Welcome and Keynote SpeakerLara Newman, Chief Executive of LocatED, will open the conference with a keynote to share her thoughts on the future of education estates and open the discussion as to what steps may need to be taken to create thriving, healthy, learning environments for students across the UK. LocatED; Lara Newman, Chief Executive 09:30-10:30 Session One: Key Steps for Building the Schools and Colleges of the Future A collection of industry leaders will start off the day with a high level thought leadership discussion to examine the needs and priorities of the education property sector. Outlining areas in need of investment and exploring opportunities for further innovation and development. Chair: (Available to Sponsor) LocatED; Lara Newman, Chief Executive Department for Education; Mike Lea, Head of Planning, Capital Directorate Premier Advisory Group; Hannah Jackson, Head of Advisory Greater London Authority; Laura Dubeck, Senior Manager, Programme Delivery (Colleges) 10:30-11:15 Break & NetworkingBuild commercially rewarding connections during the break – with refreshments included. 11:15-12:15 Session Two: College Development PlansColleges play a vital role in developing skills and preparing the next generation for work or higher education. In this session, we will hear the latest plans to create smarter, more sustainable and innovative campuses. Chair: (Available to Sponsor) Burnley College; Stuart Arnfield, Director of Finance and Resources Department for Education; Jennifer Singer, Capital Programme Design Advice Lead – Schools and Colleges Luminate Education Group; David Warren, Group Vice Principal, Development Barking and Dagenham College; Yvonne Kelly, Principle and Chief Executive Officer 12:15-13:00 Lunch & NetworkingBuild commercially rewarding connections during the lunch break – with refreshments and food provided. 13:00-14:15 Session Three: Innovation in Education Property – Delivering Smarter, Healthier and More Sustainable Institutions; Sponsored by CundallOver recent years it has become more evident that the built environment will need to adapt to cope with issues such as Covid-19 and climate change. This session will explore innovation across education property and examine how we can make healthier and more sustainable learning environments. Chair: Cundall; Peter Hazzard, Associate Director and Schools and Colleges Sector Lead Scott Brownrigg; Helen Taylor, Director of Practice Department for Education; Crawford Wright, Head of Architecture and Design Welsh Government; Sara Humber, Programme Director MIM – Sustainable Communities for Learning Cardiff Council; Richard Portas, Programme Director for School Organisation and Planning 14:15-15:15 Session Four: Building Schools for the Future In this session, we will hear from a range of multi-academy trusts, councils and colleges from across the UK, as they showcase their future development ambitions in this sector. Chair: (Available to Sponsor) Brooke Weston Trust; Matt Isherwood, Director of Estates London Borough of Waltham Forest; Lindsay Jackson, Head of Education Business Effectiveness Keys Co-operative Academy Trust; Kevin Panrucker, Chief Operating & Financial Officer 15:15-15:45 Conference Summary and Close This unique conference will bring together the construction industry to look at future development within the schools and colleges sector. There will be plenty of exhibitors showcasing their brand and best practice in the industry, whilst helping them reap the rewards of being prominently displayed within the events exhibition area in front of some key and influential business leaders. Exhibiting will allow you to: Meet 300+ delegates face to faceBe part of the inaugural Schools and Colleges Investment and Development ConferenceBe seen as a leading firm in the industry’s bid to drive sustainable growth in the regionsNetwork with hundreds of your business clients and peersShowcase your work to regional authorities, government officials, leading private sector firms, blue-chip companies, investors and more Confirmed Exhibitors: CLICK HERE FOR EXHIBITOR FLOORPLAN If you’re interested in exhibiting at the conference then get in touch with our team – with space available for standard exhibition stalls or larger spaces to showcase more of your brand and create an eye-catching area contact: Email: Associate your brand with the Schools and Colleges Investment and Development Conference and position your brand at the forefront of the sector. Package Exhibition Stand Chair/ Speaking Opportunity Tickets VIP Backstage Access Cost (+VAT) Corporate Partner Yes Yes 15 Yes £8,250 View Details Session One Partner: Key Steps for Building the Schools and Colleges of the Future Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,500 View Details Session Two Partner: College Development Plans Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,500 View Details Session Three Partner: Innovation in Education Property – Delivering Smarter, Healthier and More Sustainable Institutions Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,500 Sold Out Session Four Partner: Building Schools for the Future Yes Yes 10 Yes £5,500 View Details Best Practice Presentation Partner Yes Yes 7 Yes £3,250 View Details Pre Conference Dinner Partner – – 2 Yes £2,750 View Details Private Roundtable Partner Yes – 5 Yes £2,750 View Details Speaker Table Partner Yes – 5 Yes £2,750 View Details Programme Partner Yes – 5 – £2,250 View Details Breakfast Partner Yes – 5 – £2,250 View Details Lunch Partner Yes – 5 – £2,250 View Details Email Partner Yes – 5 – £2,250 View Details Registration Partner Yes – 5 – £2,250 View Details Exhibitor Packages Yes – 4 – £1,750 View Details We have various partnership packages available, including packages with speaking opportunities and huge exhibition space large enough to promote your business, allowing you to address your whole target audience for maximum brand awareness and impact. Our partnership packages will put you at the forefront of the industry discussion allowing you to be there, be active and be an expert within the construction and property sector, the future of the education sector and the whole built environment industry. Corporate Partner £8,250+VAT Be at the forefront of the conference with onstage branding, a 15-minute keynote speech to kickstart the conference, access to the VIP Speakers’ Room and much more. This package will elevate your brand and drive awareness, loyalty and trust in front of industry leaders. This is the ultimate package if you’re looking to be seen as a leading figure within the industry with branding within the title of the event – ‘Schools and Colleges Investment and Development Conference in association with YOUR BRAND’. Benefits include: Position yourself alongside Built Environment Networking to shape the conference agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the conference, with the option to recommend speakersInclusion within pre-conference speaker communications including speaker briefingsDirect access before and after the sessions to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPrime branding for the whole conferenceOne pull-up stand on stage for the entire conferenceOption to do a Keynote speech3x1m² exhibition spaceFifteen delegate passes for the conferenceOne ticket to the VIP Speaker’s dinner for one of your selected event speakers, which takes place the day before or day of the event – allowing you to meet speakers in a relaxed environmentAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to fifteen people per yearAccess to the Speakers’ Green RoomYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One full page digital advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Session Partner £5,500+VAT The role of the session partner provides an opportunity for you to chair or participate in one of the sessions to build brand awareness, loyalty and trust amongst hundreds of civic and business leaders from across the industry. You’ll be seen to be a thought leader within your area of expertise and showcase your company in front of key decision-makers from across the industry. Benefits include: Involvement with an exceptional panel session with the option to chair or be involved in the debate, discussions and presentationsOption to do a five minute introduction to the panel OR thought leaders presentationPosition yourself alongside us to shape the session agenda and content to bring your strategic thinking to the conference, with the option to recommend speakersInclusion within pre-conference communications including speaker briefingsDirect access before and after the sessions to the speakers and panellists; an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPositioned as as ‘Conference Session Partner’ in all brandingAdditional pull-up stand on stage during your conference session3x1m² exhibition spaceTen delegate passes for the conference50% off tickets to the VIP Speakers’ dinner which takes place the day before or the day of the event – allowing you to meet speakers in a relaxed environmentAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to ten people per yearAccess to the Speakers’ Green RoomYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One full page digital advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Session Three: Innovation in Education Property – Delivering Smarter, Healthier and More Sustainable Institutions Become a partner > Best Practice Presentation Partner £3,250+VAT This package enables you to speak at the conference – providing you with an opportunity to deliver a thought leadership presentations and/or on-stage Q&A utilising our expert Chair. You’ll be able to position yourself as a though-leader and go-to-business in your sector in front of sector/regional stakeholders and influencers. Benefits include: 15-minute timeslot before one of the main sessions to deliver a thought leadership presentation and/or Q&A sessionDirect access before and after every session to the VIP speaker room, an excellent opportunity to establish rapport and build commercially rewarding relationshipsPrime branding at the conference3x1m² exhibition spaceAdditional pull-up stand on stage during your Best Practice sessionSeven delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to ten people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One full page digital advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Pre Conference Dinner Partner £2,750+VAT The day before the event we’ll be hosting a Speaker and Sponsor VIP dinner – this event offers a unique opportunity to network one-on-one with the industry’s leading figures. This partnership enables you to have prominent involvement and branding at the dinner. Benefits include: Speaking opportunity – with a 10-minute promotional talk at the VIP DinnerPrime branding at the conference dinner.Two pull-up banners at the conference dinnerPromotional material and literature placement on the dinner tablesTwo places at the conference dinnerTwo delegate passes for the conferencePositioned as ‘Conference Dinner Partner’ in all brandingAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to two people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One full page advert in the dinner menuChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceBecome a partner > Private Roundtable Partner £2,750+VAT Take the discussion into a more private setting – with a hireable room at the event enabling you to create a roundtable discussion for up to 45-minutes. We’ll work with you to invite your target clients, plus your own attendees, to create an in-event experience that helps you forge new commercially rewards connections. Benefits include: Hire a private room at the event venue for 45-minutes – for circa 10-15 attendeesTen invitations directly through ourselves to event delegates to request their attendance at the roundtable (no guarantee provided on attendance)Pull-up banners and marketing literature allowed within the private room during the period of your roundtable3x1m² exhibition spaceFour delegate passes to the conference– which you can use for your staff or invited clients who you may also want to take part in the roundtable discussionAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One half page digital advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Speaker Table Partner £2,750+VAT Become the official partner of the Speakers’ Table – where our high-level event speakers will congregate throughout the day. Benefits include: VIP access to enable you to join the speaker table/roomBuild one-to-one relationships with key decision makers and work giversMarketing collateral can be placed on the speaker tableTwo pull-up banners around the Speaker Table area3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One half page digital advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Programme Partner £2,250+VAT Prominent branding on the front of our conference programme. A great way of driving brand awareness and visibility in front of your primary audience. Benefits include: Prime Branding on the cover of the conference programmePositioned as ‘Conference Programme Partner’ in all branding3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One full page digital advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Breakfast Partner £2,250+VAT A package to enable mass brand awareness and visibility during the busiest periods of the day. Becoming a partner would ensure branding is at the forefront of the breakfast period area along with additional marketing benefits including an exhibition stand and inclusion within all marketing material. Benefits include: Prime branding in the physical breakfast area space for the duration of breakfast with three pull-up standsPositioned as ‘Conference Breakfast Partner’ in all branding3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One half page digital advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Lunch Partner £2,250+VAT A package to enable mass brand awareness and visibility during the busiest periods of the day. Becoming a partner would ensure branding is at the forefront of the lunch period area along with additional marketing benefits including an exhibition stand and inclusion within all marketing material. Benefits include: Prime branding in the physical lunch area space for the duration of lunch with three pull-up standsPositioned as ‘Conference Lunch Partner’ in all branding3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One half page digital advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Email Partner £2,250+VAT Prime branding on all emails used to promote the conference with delegates before, during and after the conference. Benefits include: Prime Branding on the emails sent to promote the conference sent to circa 80,000 contactsPositioned as ‘Conference Email Partner’ in all branding3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the conferenceAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One half page digital advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Registration Partner £2,250+VAT Sponsorship of the registration area – the delegate entry point to the conference. Benefits include: Branding on the sign-in iPads at check-out where all delegates sign-in with a table cloth and two pull up stands (provided by you)Positioned as ‘Conference Registration artner’ in all branding3x1m² exhibition spaceFive delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to five people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.One half page digital advert in the conference programmeChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Exhibitor Package £1,750+VAT If you’re looking for access to the event and a space to hold meetings and showcase your services, our Exhibitor Partner package is perfect. There is no limit to the exhibition space enabling you to simply drive brand awareness through a standard exhibition package or bring excitement to the room with the ability to take exhibition space to stand out from the crowd. Benefits include: 3x1m² exhibition spaceFour delegate passes for the eventAttendance at Networking Training sessions for up to four people per yearYour logo will be displayed on the conference page of the websiteYour logo will be on all documents related to the conference – emails etc.Chairman’s ‘thank you’ in the closing speechSocial media – pre, during & post-conference activityInclusion within all PR and Outreach to regional, national and industry pressAccess to photographs and video of the conferenceVirtual exhibition stand – to allow connectivity to hybrid/virtual event usersLogo/branding on the online conference platformBecome a partner > Exhibitor Partner Become a partner > Become a Partner If you’re interested in any of the packages above or if you’re interested in finding out additional information then contact us on: 0113 390 4700 Will will be joined on stage by numerous decision makers and influential names in this sector – from multi-academy trusts, schools and colleges. They include: Greater London Authority – Laura Dubeck, Senior Manager, Programme Delivery (Colleges) Under the Mayor of London’s Skills for Londoners Capital Fund, over £110m in funding was made available for investment into estate and equipment for London’s skills provides over a period of four years. The fund aims to respond to current and future skills requirements of employers and learners, improve quality of learning, support levels of apprenticeship delivery and/or progression to the highest levels of vocational and technical study. Department for Education – Mike Lea, Head of Planning, Capital Directorate Mark leads the national team responsible for planning casework on all centrally funded new, expanding and refurbished schools in England. Working across government departments, local authorities, developers and other stakeholders on a wide array of strategic planning initiatives to deliver school places in conjunction with new housing developments. LocatED – Lara Newman, Chief Executive LocatED are the government property company responsible for identifying, purchasing, and delivering new school sites across the UK as well as driving efficiencies across Department for Education owned schools. Lara’s team are currently delivering 6 new mixed-use, education led regeneration schemes which will create 600 new homes and classroom places for over 3500 children. They are also about to acquire 17 new sites for school building purposes across London, the South East, the Midlands and the North. LocatED join the conference to share insight into their strategy and identify future partnership opportunities. Brooke Weston Trust – Matt Isherwood, Director of Estates Brooke Weston Trust is a Multi Academy Trust that consists of a ‘family’ of primary and secondary schools spread throughout Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire. From pre-school to sixth form, the trust has a commitment to providing high-quality education for students. The trust is looking to expand its network with their 600 place Wisbech Green secondary school development. Subject to planning and construction, the project is targeted to be complete by 2023. Department for Education – Jennifer Singer, Head of Capital Programme Advisory – Schools and Colleges Jennifer lead’s the Department for Education’s design team’s work in further education. Her work includes the development of new standards in college projects, guidance on sustainable estates and advising on college projects under major FE capital programmes including the FE Capital Transformation Fund. Jennifer is also a trustee of Latchmere Academy Trust based in the London Boroughs of Richmond and Kingston. She joins us to discuss the design of college campuses with a focus on sustainability and creating healthy learning spaces. Burnley College – Stuart Arnfield, Director of Finance and Resources Burnley College are working on a major project to further develop its £100m Campus to ensure it continues to offer up-to-date facilities for the region’s learners. Under the expansion plan, the college are developing a four-storey building within the grounds of the Princess Way Campus that will provide 20 interactive classrooms and specialist facilities. In addition, the College’s sports and fitness centre is set to be expanded, as well as a proposed £12.5m, 20,450 sq ft industrial hub scheme and the delivery of three more educational buildings on six acres of former playing fields. Burnley Council have recently agreed planning permission for the expansion of the college site in January, estimated to create 150 new hobs and attract an extra 2,000 students. Premier Advisory Group – Hannah Jackson, Head of Advisory Premier Advisory Group (PAG) is a multi-disciplinary professional services firm that specialises in education consultancy and related areas. In March 2022, it was announced by the Department for Education that PAG has been appointed as sole suppliers of free schools application support. PAG will take over from New Schools Network, which had previously provided this service for over a decade. Keys Co-operative Academy Trust – Kevin Panrucker, Chief Operating & Financial Officer Keys Co-operative Academy Trust is made up of two large Alternative Provision schools and a Special School for pupils with moderate learning difficulties. They have a three capital projects underway or planned for the near future, including a new multi-million pound school building for the North East Essex Co-operative academy to provide space for 80 more pupils onsite. Heybridge Co-op academy is currently under public consultation and the Endeavour Co-operative Academy was selected in the National School Rebuilding Programme in 2021, with an expected completion date in 2024. London Borough of Waltham Forest – Lindsay Jackson, Head of Education Business Effectiveness The London borough of Waltham Forest has 75 schools, including 3 nursery schools, for which the LA is directly responsible for the conditions of 37. Lindsay leads a service area which includes Pupil Place Planning, Admissions, Schools Financial Sustainability, Post 16 and Careers, Holiday activities and Education Communication. She acts as client for the LAs Education Directorate working with the Schools Capital Team to ensure that the statutory duties and strategic educational priorities are implemented within high-quality educational spaces. Lindsay joins us to share insight on the LBWF Education Capital Programme as the borough looks to meet its aspirational priorities for fairness, equality, inclusion and climate change. Cardiff Council – Richard Portas, Programme Director for School Organisation and Planning Cardiff’s Cantonian High School, Riverbank Special School and Woodlands High School will all be rebuilt on a single site in Fairwater, providing a much larger capacity for pupils. The project is set to be the largest, both in scale and investment, of the city’s education developments under Cardiff Council’s and the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Communities Learning Programme, which aims to develop schools and colleges and reduce buildings in poor condition. The development will become the city’s first ‘Net Zero Carbon’ campus, powered by renewable energy sources and in line with the council’s One Planet Strategy. The scheme is set to cost £80m and work on the campus is expected to start in 2023 Welsh Government – Sara Humber, Programme Director MIM – Sustainable Communities for Learning The Welsh Government’s Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme, formerly the 21st Century Schools and Colleges Programme, was established to transform the learning experience of pupils, ensuring they have access to classrooms with the technologies and facilities needed to support the delivery of the Curriculum for Wales. Under the programme, projects are being funded in partnership with the Programme’s MIM (Mutual Investment Model) funding streams. Notable investments within the programme include £90m to Denbighshire’s schools, as well as a £55m investment across Greater Pontypridd, and a £135m investment led by Glamorgan Council, to deliver top-class, ultra-modern learning environments. Department for Education – Crawford Wright, Head of Architecture and Design The Department for Education have made making future schools and colleges one of their primary targets – as reflected in their £3billion next generation of schools framework. Crawford is currently leading the development of new zero carbon school buildings and retrofitting strategies for existing estates and will be on hand to discuss the Department for Education’s role in the UK achieving its net zero ambitions. Barking and Dagenham College – Yvonne Kelly, Principle and Chief Executive Officer Launched in 2021, Barking and Dagenham College were chosen as one of the first 12 colleges and universities nationally to have secured government funding to open an Institute of Technology. The IoT was developed as a part of the college group’s Rush Green campus, that spans 28.5 acres of East London. The college has recently completed their new Digital Arts and Culture (DAC) Project that aims to provide entry level training, support and facilities. The project is currently entering phase two, which will involve fundraising for a second studio, vlog-stations and further support facilities. When finished, the scheme will create 1,200 jobs and contribute £35m a year to the local economy. Yvonne joins us to detail her college’s plans from 2022 and beyond. Luminate Education Group – David Warren, Group Vice Principal, Development David was appointed to the Luminate leadership team in 2020. His remit at the Group covers marketing, student recruitment, innovation, events, fundraising and property development, with particular interests & skills in branding & market positioning, new product development & estate development. David has been pivotal in creating new teaching & learning facilities at the Conservatoire, including the venue performance space & library. This continues with new buildings in the pipeline for Luminate Education Group members. Leeds City College, part of Luminate Education Group, have been given the green light to develop a new college campus. Located at Mabgate, the scheme will deliver around 210,000 sp ft of education space, including theatre, studio and sports space, 112 flats and a restaurant. Scott Brownrigg – Helen Taylor, Director of Practice Specialising in education design for many years, particularly early years, primary, secondary and special schools, further education and technical colleges, Helen led the SHaW Futures Academy project which led to a book entitled “Urban Schools: Designing for High Density” published by RIBA and awarded the AJ100 Collaboration of the Year award in 2020. She subsequently authored the chapter on school design in RIBA Publishing’s ‘RETHINK Design Guide: Architecture for a Post-Pandemic World’., and is currently working on a new publication on schools and wellbeing. Education Partnership North East – David Howells, Chief Operating Officer Education Partnership North East is a dynamic partnership between Sunderland College, Hartlepool Sixth Form, and Northumberland College. The partnership forms one of the largest college groups in the UK with campuses across the North East region, stretching from Berwick-upon-Tweed to the Tees Valley and facilitating a student community of over 21,500. The college group have a major capital development programme in the works, with their Ashington Campus set for new Health Hub having been awarded a multi-million pound investment under the FE Capital Transformation Fund. This comes in addition to Sunderland College’s new £15m Housing Innovation and Construction Skills Academy that is being developed as a part of the Riverside Sunderland regeneration scheme. Cundall – Peter Hazzard, Schools and Colleges Sector Lead Peter Hazzard is a Chartered Engineer and Associate Director with Cundall. He has 30 years consultancy experience covering services design from inception to completion on a wide range of education projects working both client side and on delivery for contractors. Peter is currently focusing his career on providing net zero carbon designs for schools. His work towards this includes the DfE Genzero project and working on the 21st Century Welsh schools building programme. Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Thursday, 12th May 2022Time:0800hrs – 1600hrs Venue Congress Centre28 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS, UK+ Google Map View our ticket T&Cs. Event Photos CLICK TO BOOK NOW Sponsors Session Partner Exhibitor Partner National Framework Partner National Badge Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner Speakers Exhibitors