Construction Frameworks Conference set to connect major operations, professionals and bidders together Posted on: March 23rd, 2018 On the 24th May, prominent public and private sector leaders within the construction and property industry will come together at the Construction Frameworks Conference – the sector’s largest conference of the year. The conference, hosted by Built Environment Networking and in association with Scape Procure, will see some of the industry’s biggest names from both the public and private sector lead a discussion on frameworks to help delegates achieve best value from their procurement, demonstrate best practice in developing and operating frameworks, and allow for the sector to meet and collaborate. The day-long conference will bring together major public-sector framework operators, public and private sector procurement professionals, framework professionals and potential bidders for those frameworks – with best practice presentations, panel discussions and workshops part of the conference. Keith Griffiths, MD of Built Environment Networking said: ‘’Our conferences have a history of bringing together the top business and civic leaders who have the power and influence to make a change – with our most recent Economic Growth Conferences in Cambridge, Leeds and Bristol an example of that. Frameworks are a major part of the construction sector with over 7,000 operational in the UK, with billions of pounds of work and consultancy fees let through them each year. This conference will give businesses the opportunity to connect and collaborate with those in the sector, whilst discovering new ways to achieve best value, reduce costs, achieve best practice and ultimately win new clients.’’ Corporate Partner Scape Group is a public-sector organisation, dedicated to creating ongoing efficiency and social value via the built environment, through its fully managed frameworks. By bringing together the strongest teams from the public and private sectors, Scape’s rapidly deployed, highly measurable and collaborative approach delivers high quality projects that stimulate local economic growth and create training and employment opportunities for local people, whilst being cost-efficient. Victoria Brambini, Managing Director of Scape Procure, said: “The Construction Frameworks Conference is an important date in the industry’s calendar, providing a space where best practice for construction frameworks can be showcased, discussed and debated, among framework leaders. “The conference also provides public sector bodies from a range of sectors across the country the opportunity for valuable face time with framework operators, to have their questions answered and to find out how they could achieve maximum social value, efficiency and quality for every pound spent, with the overall aim of achieving the best results for local communities.” Cliff Jones, Head of Construction Procurement, Commercial Directorate, Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is one of the confirmed speakers for the conference’s session on developing and setting up a world class construction framework. Speaking ahead of the conference he said: ”A framework is about establishing a long term performance based collaborative relationship with integrated supply chains that address the clients business objective. The criteria within the selection process for appointment to a framework will reflect this. All involved in a supply chain on such a framework need to understand the clients business objectives and collaborate both within their own supply chain and with other supply chains appointed to the framework. This collaboration extends beyond that required to deliver individual projects alone i.e. strategic collaboration with the client to develop and deliver operational efficiency and productivity savings for the clients business. All involved need to be engaged to make any such framework a success, and we’re delighted to be part of the discussion at the conference. Celtic Technologies Ltd, a leading Specialist Remediation and Enabling Works Contractor, have been announced as a sponsor of the event. Founded in 1992 they have a proven track record over 25 years of successfully delivering cost effective remediation schemes. They integrate with project teams to help plan, design and implement treatment solutions for contaminated soil and groundwater to reduce project costs, minimise cost risk and ensure delivery to programme. Projects delivered by Celtic include enabling/remediation work packages for the Mersey Gateway Bridge, the First Street Development in Manchester, Battersea Power Station and major basement excavations on brownfield sites in London. As well as providing specialise on-site solutions for contaminated soils and groundwater, they provide offsite recycling solutions for construction and basement excavation arising’s via their sister company Biogenie. Through this network of treatment facilities, a joint venture with Biffa Waste Services, they can provide clients with national coverage for sustainable, fully compliant and, crucially for most materials, landfill tax free, off-site treatment of a wide range of hazardous wastes. Haringey Council have also been confirmed as a sponsor – and they’ll be exhibiting along with their London Construction Programme team. In London, the London Construction Programme (LCP), aims to explore and deliver any benefits that might be realised through collaborative working between public sector clients in the 33 boroughs across London and other public sector organisations within London. The LCP’s strategic aim is for London’s public sector commissioning authorities and buying organisations to work collectively to achieve higher benchmarking, cut the cost and risk of localised procurement, and align the supply market offer to public sector commissioners, whilst achieving better value for money outcomes from construction projects collaboration. Join us for the Construction Frameworks Conference on the 24th May. Ends About Scape Group Scape Group is a public-sector organisation, dedicated to creating ongoing efficiency and social value via the built environment. Scape and its subsidiaries offer fully managed frameworks, property services, innovative design solutions, community investment opportunities and joint ventures. By bringing together the strongest teams from the public and private sectors, Scape’s rapidly deployed, highly measurable and collaborative approach delivers value for money and quality buildings whilst stimulating local economic growth and community enrichment. Scape operates with a current buying capacity of around £13bn and has helped to deliver over 2,400 public sector projects with more than 1,700 currently in progress. This year, Scape Group was named the ‘Best Client to Work With’ across the public and private sector, at the annual Construction Enquirer Awards. For more information visit: