
Harworth Group and BeePart Ltd’s proposed mixed-use development in the East Midlands has been recommended for approval – with South Derbyshire District Council set to meet on Tuesday to discuss the plans.

The firms are proposing to develop a former coal and clay works in Derbyshire and the plan includes: [emaillocker id=”71749″]

  • 53-acres of land
  • 300 new homes
  • Local centre including:
  • 21,527 sq ft of employment land
  • 17,222 sq ft food store
  • 7,534 sq ft of restaurant/fast food space
  • 5,920 sq ft pub
  • 86,111 sq ft for storage/food distribution
  • 43,055 sq ft of general industrial uses

Harworth Group will be discussing the project on our East Midlands Webinar – https://www.built-environment-networking.com/event/east-midlands-development-webinar/

A council document published ahead of the meeting said: “The benefits of the development are substantial. In an economic sense, the proposal would facilitate the first stage of employment land delivery from this allocation, enabling existing and prospective business to expand or locate here in a sustainable location. Employment prospects would encourage skilled labour, whilst the commercial element of the scheme would bring about employment in the retail and service industries.

“The increased number of dwellings also leads to a greater overall section 106 contribution than might be achieved under a strictly policy compliant scheme. This is a material planning consideration in it constituting an economic benefit above and beyond that envisaged by the plan.”

A statement submitted to the council on behalf of the applicants added: “The proposed development will create housing choice, new areas for employment, leisure and new amenity spaces for the existing and new community whilst improving public access across the site and to the wider pedestrian network. With strong links to the wider area, it aims to create a development for the 21st century, whilst reflecting and connecting the desirable elements of the local vernacular.

“In this context, the development will respect the local character but also move the wider Woodville community towards a more sustainable future, through the regeneration of disused land and a significant increase in housing choice. Development will accord with the principles of high quality design and best practice to create a townscape that is varied and sympathetic to its environment. The aim must be to achieve a development with a strong identity and distinct sense of place whilst at the same time integrating with the existing community.”
