New £95m maintenance and refurbishment framework Posted on: April 15th, 2021 One of London’s most prominent housing trusts is supporting a new £95m Building Maintenance & Refurbishment Services Framework.[emaillocker id=”71749″]The four-year agreement, released today (April 15), has been launched by the National Framework Partnership group in conjunction with the Central and Cecil Housing Trust.The framework, which is open to any public sector body, has been separated into seven lots and firms can only win a place on one:Building Refurbishment Services (Unification of the lots)Internal & External Decoration / repairsPitched and Flat RoofingKitchen & bathroomsWindows and DoorsGarage DoorsFire Safety Maintenance & InstallationsCompanies interested have until April 30 to register their intentions.For more information contact[/emaillocker]