Full Event Video & Presentations: Developing Cities For The Future

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This product gives you access to the full event - including videos of the panel discussions, visibility of the speaker presentations and the Q&A.

Event Information:

Building & Developing Future Cities – With Developments Totalling £40bn+ To Be Discussed

This event brought public and private sector leaders from across the built environment industry together to look at how we can work collaboratively to ensure development and regeneration happening across our city regions are smart, sustainable and contribute further to the economic growth of the UK. In an environmentally-conscious future, that has a growing population, the rise of automation and growing dependence on technology means our cities must adapt to facilitate smart cities which sustain the needs and demands of its citizens, whilst enhancing productivity and economic growth. This conference helped the industry align on the key areas of focus whilst connecting leaders and decision makers with the industry to drive smart development in the UK. Our exceptional line-up will discuss projects such as:

  • British Land’s new £4bn town
  • Smart strategies from all major UK cities
  • £4bn of major smart investment from L&G
  • £20m dg:cities autonomous vehicle pilots
  • £8bn Thamesmead Waterfront project
  • Uni of Glasgow’s £1bn estate masterplan
  • Lyon’s new 150-hectare Smart Urban Village
  • Best EU practice from Berlin, Vienna & more
  • Uni of Warwick’s £500m estate expansion
  • £4bn London Euston transformation

Speakers Include: