Showing results for: Green Retrofit
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This conference brings together senior leadership from across the Welsh built environment ecosystem, with billions of pounds worth of development set to be unveiled as part of the agenda. Delegates will hear about the forthcoming £8.1 billion green investment plans which will put Wales at the forefront of global sustainability ambition. An additional £60bn of […]
Despite ongoing uncertainty around what the OxCam Arc should be, there is still over £5bn of regeneration and infrastructure related projects being brought forward by the private sector in the next 18 months, with several local authorities supporting upcoming development. This conference aims to convene any organisation that wants to have their say on what the […]
This event will showcase over £50bn of development, thousands of new homes and transformational infrastructure and renewable energy projects. Billions of pounds worth of development projects ranging from the 100,000 affordable homes the Scottish Government is pledging will be built by 2040, to major road and rail projects as well as significant placemaking and mixed-use […]
The North East is benefitting more than most from renewed central government efforts to build back better with billions of pounds worth of regeneration schemes bring brought forward between local authorities and major developers. In the latest edition of this unique event, councils comprising the North of Tyne Combined Authority, North East Combined Authority and […]