THIS EVENT HAS NOW PASSED. CLICK HERE TO GET ACCESS TO THE VIDEO AND PRESENTATIONS. Click Here to view our upcoming events and conferences. All Events 15 Mar 2021 ConTech Series: How 3D Printing Is Changing Construction Monday, 15th March 2021 1145hrs – 1330hrs Book online View Partnership Packages EventBecome a PartnerWhat to ExpectAutomated construction has lots of promise: better quality, faster delivery and lower cost. But realising this potential is very slow. 3D printing is one automated process that has much to offer construction. Its flexibility fits well with the bespoke nature of construction and the industry has dabbled with the technology for producing one-off components – and even whole buildings – but the technology is still some way from wholesale adoption. In this webinar we will explore why 3D Printing still remains on the fringes of the construction industry. Is it a red herring; a non-starter in an industry that has no need of its fanciful intricacies and no time for its demanding complexities? Or has the construction sector been unable to clearly identify its potential value? This webinar is part of a new series on the future of the construction industry which are taking place over the coming months, and will explore the next big trends, innovations and challenges the industry needs to prepare for. We will gather major industry influencers and free thinkers to discuss the challenges and opportunities that will be present across the built environment in the years to come. Speakers for this event include: Paul Mullett,Group Engineering and Technology Director Anielle Guedes,Senior Consultant Edouard Baaklini,Chief Executive Officer Myriam Garouachi,Architect Designer Click here to register for this event > Robert Bird Group – having spent the best part of the last decade working on huge projects in the Middle East, Paul has seen first-hand how innovative construction technologies can vastly accelerate construction projects. Paul will give a thought leadership perspective on 3D Printing as someone whose message to the sector is “Let us welcome 3D printing with open arms as an in-progress case study on innovation and as a much-needed catalyst for change”. Dynamist Technologies – Wanting to help create solutions to homelessness in her native Brazil led Anielle to set up a 3D printing start-up, Urban 3D, a technology construction company aimed at using materials science technology to develop low-cost solutions to the urban housing crisis. Anielle will speak about her latest work using 3D Printing in construction and talk about its potential to tackle the housing crisis worldwide. 3D Vinci Creations – 3D Vinci Creations are one of the first and foremost 3D printing companies working in the UAE having executed a 3D printed buildings in different locations with variable conditions, meeting the requirements of local authorities. Edouard will reveal more about 3D Concrete Printing’s potential to build housing at a large scale and also how it can be used to help us construct future infrastructure projects. Concreative – Concreative is the first industrial large-scale Concrete 3D Printing Company who specialise in concrete additive manufacturing with full integrated services. Making use of innovative technology to merge architects’ ideas and engineers’ constraints Concreative are at the forefront of Concrete 3D printing expertise. Myriam will join the session to speak about Concreative’s future projects and how their innovative tech designs & manufactures highly complex shapes for construction. Associate your brand with this Webinar and position your brand at the forefront of the discussion around the future development happening in the ConTech. We have various partnership packages available, including opportunities to speak on the webinar, allowing you to present your message to your target audience and receive maximum brand awareness and impact. Packages available include: Package Chair/ Speaking Opportunity VIP Access Cost (+VAT) Webinar Partner Yes Yes £1,500 View Details Exhibitor Partner – Yes £500 View Details Webinar Partner £1,500+VAT Be at the forefront of the webinar – with a speaking slot on the panel and prime branding throughout the webinar and post/pre event communications. This package will elevate your brand and drive awareness, loyalty and trust in front of industry leaders. This is the ultimate package if you’re looking to be seen as a leading figure within the industry. Benefits include: Be positioned as the ‘Webinar Partner’ and have your company name in the title of the eventSponsor an existing event or work with us to develop a bespoke title/agenda/panel of speakersRequest Built Environment Networking to invite speakers of your choice to join the panelTargeted marketing campaign aimed at attracting your target audience to the event – whether it be company types, regional companies or job titles/level of attendee.Chair or speak on the panelOption to do a 5-minute introduction to the panel or deliver a thought leadership presentationIncluded within pre-conference speaker communications including speaker briefing callsDirect access before and after the sessions to the speakers and panellists, and excellent way to establish rapport and build relationshipsExhibition space15 tickets for the webinar for your business or client contactsAccess to the video footage from the webinarBranding: on the webinar, website, press release, emails promoting the event and moreOne editorial or case study shared through our website news section and social channelsChairman’s thank you in the opening and closing speech on the webinarBecome a partner > Exhibitor Partner £500+VAT Become an exhibition partner for this event to get exhibition space and branding before, during and after the event with benefits including: Exhibition space at the interactive webinarFive tickets for your business or client contactsAccess to the VIP speakers room – connect with the speakers before and after the eventAccess to the video of the webinarBranding including on the webinar, on the website, all emails prior to the event and more.One editorial or case study shared on our news section and promoted through social mediaChairman’s ‘thank you’ in the opening and closing webinar speechBecome a partner > Our online webinars will merge our face-to-face events with a virtual platform – providing networking opportunities, an exceptional panel discussion and debate, speaker presentations and an exhibition hall. The agenda will run as follows: 11:45-12:00 – Networking & Exhibition 12:00-13:00 – Main Stage – Speakers, Presentations, Discussion & Debate 13:00-13:30 – Networking & Exhibition Here’s a little video highlighting what to expect… And here’s a bit more information of key areas of our online webinars… You’ll receive unique log-in details to join our online event via computer or phone – and you’ll be greeted with an easy navigation tool. You’ll be able to navigate to: Main Stage Where the webinar will take place with excellent speakers and content. You’ll be able to get involved, asking questions and taking part in live polls. Networking Just like a real event you’ll be able to meet and connect with new people in our forum. You can directly request to chat with someone or you can enter our ‘speed networking’ area to meet numerous new people within the industry. Get your elevator pitch ready! Sponsor / Exhibitor Area Meet our partners and sponsors – view what they’re all about, video chat with them and download their literature and product information. Tickets Tickets are not currently available for this event. Details Date:Monday, 15th March 2021Time:1145hrs – 1330hrs Venue Online – Hopin View our ticket T&Cs. CLICK TO BOOK NOW Other Upcoming ConTech Events: ConTech Series: Drones in Construction Click to view event details > The Recipe for the Digital Estate – Design, Build and Operate; Sponsored by Revizto Click to view event details > ConTech Series: Mobile Platforms Click to view event details > How Construction Technology Can Accelerate Development and Economic Growth Click to view event details > Sponsors National Partner National Framework Partner National Core Partner National Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Digital Core Partner Core Digital Partner Digital Core Partner National Core Partner Digital Core Partner Advertising Partner Diversity Partner Speakers